Dairy Restrictions

Home Forums Nutrition & Diet Dairy Restrictions


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    I just signed up today. I read through the first 21 days guides. My concern is, I have a medical condition which requires that I avoid dairy except yogurt. I see throughout references to milk, cottage chess and other cheese. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to substitue?


    Hi, trsands. The Menu Planner application has a dairy-free option (you select it in your profile, in the bottom right corner). Alternatives to milk include calcium-fortified vegetal beverages such as organic soy, almond, etc., and you can easily make white cheeses by soaking raw skinless nuts (most popular are cashews and almonds) in these beverages overnight, then pureeing them and seasoning them to the desired texture and taste. Other calcium-rich foods include sesame and deep green leafy vegetables (also good sources of vitamin A), and good sources of vitamin D include mushrooms and fish.

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