Diabetic Food Choices, are there any?

Home Forums Nutrition & Diet Diabetic Food Choices, are there any?

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    I have several things that I need to watch, Salt, Fat, Sugar. I am Diabetic and I have Highpertension, my question is are there any special Diabetic menus to follow and low sodium suggestions??


    Hi, 1sista. The entire program is based around a low salt diabetic diet with a light limit on fats but focus on good fats for the amount allotted. No worries.


    I was diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes and Hypertension about 1 1/2 years ago. I work with an RD as a Community Health Worker and talk to our patients every day about things they need to do in order to see positive changes in their health, weight, and lifestyle. Unfortunately, my own personal appearance is not matching what I am teaching. I weigh 230 lbs. I have had 3 major abdominal surgeries since Dec 2010. Muscle tone is nearly nonexistent. I try to practice what I preach and I really do want to make healthier choices and lose weight and get healthy. I am always running around and am always so tired at day’s end. What suggestions might you have for me other than drink plenty of water, eat fruits and non=starchy vegetables, portion control and get active on a regular basis?


    Hi, ps612. You and everyone else! The expression “Doctor, heal thyself” didn’t come out of a vacuum, I assure you.
    Some people have some luck incorporating more legumes and nuts into their diet to substitute for animal foods at least a couple of times a week. Of any animal foods you eat, try to get organic pastured products, which tend have a more non-inflammatory, non-hormone-confounding composition. Eggs seem to be particularly important in this regard, and if you can’t find pastured eggs, then at least omega-3 eggs.
    If you have any other questions and take are or interested in supplements, you can repost here, and I can work with you.

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