Digestion problems.

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    I am having a bit of a problem with starting on the right road because I suffer with a sort of IBS where if I eat too much fruit or certain veg or cereal, it has disastrous effects on my digestive system. When I say “too much” I mean not very much at all, so to put strawberries, nuts, mango,cereal in one day would be likely to have me unable to leave the loo! So as I can not find a way to tell the menu planner this or that I would like to include fish in my diet, I am wondering if there is a way I can include fish but not meat or dairy. I also have to cut down on the amounts of fruit etc that are included. This sounds as if I am very picky and shouldn’t have a weight problem I know but I do and am desperate to loose it. Because my digestive system is very quick to respond to eating those things already mentioned, I am tending to stick to the few that I can tolerate and unfortunately they are mostly wrong types of food and full of carbs. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


    Hi, vimpey. No worries – you’re in good company. A fair number of our club members are dealing with similar issues. Note that you can swap in whichever fruits or vegetables you want, and you absolutely can use cooked and pureed (i.e. applesauce and similar), which you can make yourself without added sugar and preservatives. You can also cook vegetables to make them easier on your system.
    With regard to dairy, you can mark “dairy-free” in your profile (bottom righthand corner), but do be sure to include other sources of calcium. Regarding other animal protein sources, since an ounce is an ounce is an ounce, just swap out whatever meat or chicken appears on your menu for fish – and do be sure to get fish high in omega-3s, such as salmon, trout, and tuna, or those fed omega-3s in fish farms.


    Thanks for the info, I feel more confident now.

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