does this really work

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    Rebeccadors – Go to the Apps link up top, click on menu planner, read the first page (some helpful tips) – and when you’re ready, click ‘Start Planning Menu,’ pick foods you like and go from there. Once you get through all the meals, it’ll populate a suggested menu for a week.

    I just started on the 2nd, and have been pretty good at following the structure. I tend to be an adventurous eater and there’s a Wegman’s that has all those fun ingredients nearby, but it’s been a wonderful start, at least so much as how I feel. I don’t plan on weighing myself until Tuesday. I’ve been good at avoiding all the food temptations, so I can avoid the temptation to weigh myself, too, I think.

    And for those who think the food looks weird, I agree – it ‘looks’ weird. I just got out of a diet that consisted solely of steaks, burgers, and anything I could pick up at a fast food restaurant or pop in the microwave. It was the epitome of lazy. I’ve found that a lot of the recipes they have you make have been delicious far beyond what I would have thought (butternut broccoli muffins, who’d have thunk?). Sometimes you have to give things a shot!


    I agree – it’s hard to put together a meal from some of the weird selections that are on my menu and I haven’t found any of the substitutions are any help either.


    I started the plan on the 6th, that’s 5 day’s ago. I’m not sticking completely to my menu because I need to use up what’s in my pantry first. I wasn’t going to weigh myself until Monday, but I did it today because I’m going out of town for the weekend and even though I’m taking my menu with me I may not be able to stick with it.

    I was amazed that I have lost 2 lbs. in 5 days!! The plan takes a little getting used to: today’s morning snack was pine nuts, almond milk, herbal tea and 2 tangerines! I mean really does that make sense? But I did it anyway (drinking the tea now). I will definitely keep doing the plan!! Can’t wait to see how much I lose when I follow it completely.


    I don’t follow the meal planner for the whole week as i would end up with too much food in the fridge. The meals are relatively small for example 4 ounces of chicken with salad or half cup legumes etc and the menu doesn’t give me another chicken meal for another two days so i tend to mix my meals around so that allows me to use up whats in the fridge and the fruit.
    I gave up ALL wheat bread, ended up with loads of energy and my jelly belly halved itself within 3 days……amazing! I still have a roll but it no longer hangs over my jeans ….yay 🙂
    I walk briskly for 30 minutes EVERY day….30 mins is nothing compared to slogging it out in the gym.
    Not too good on the water consumption tho…could be better.
    Well done to all who have lost weight already….i found it all a bit confusing at first but reading your success comments is what kept me focused so thanks!


    I joined a couple of days ago and still have not started. i find it not to be user friendly. Like others not heard of some of the ingrediants or if i can even get them in my little town. It took to much time to download my menus. I still haven’t got my grocery list together yet. I don’t know about this??


    Hello everyone

    i just signed up today

    I’m only 25 however i feel i need to start being healthier, and of course lose the jelly belly and prevent it from getting bigger.

    I did find the whole meal plan a little overwhelming and strange.

    i did what any keen and slightly ambitious person did and spend a heap of money on ingredient.

    I am very glad i came on here as i can break my meals down and ease my way into it.

    Any tips on how to ease into healthy eating for someone who has being a student for the past 7 years ?



    To all who are just beginning or feeling overwhelmed about the foods – it is definitely recommended to ease your way in with small, gradual changes. The Menu Planner application has both standard, widely familiar foods, as well as the healthy choices that hopefully will eventually make it into your plan. In the online recipe collection, look for anything with “classic” in the name – these are simple, quick, and familiar, with healthy twists.
    Above all, just try to buy fresh, unprocessed whole foods, with low-fat and good fat options, and you’ll be getting benefits endorsed by the program.


    Hi Dear Nutritionists,

    I have just joined the club 10 minutes ago! What is really weird for me is the “Recipe” part! It actually contains all stuff and ingredients which I normally believe are weight gaining like pasta, rice powder, sweet potato, and…!!!
    Does this plan really work with such high caloric recipes??!!


    Thanks to the replies, I have been getting to grips, made out my shopping list, and have not found the menus too weird, a little the same. However this does suit me, I won’t waste food. I’ll let you know how I am going, I will do this so I feel better about having my op in 12 weeks. I feel really positive about this now. For all those like me yesterday, there is a feeling of confusion, but empower yourself with the information. I downloaded everything last night and sat reading it, making notes so I feel more of an understanding. I will weigh myself on Tuesday, here goes.


    I joined last Sunday. I am so confused! I feel I need major help navigating all of this on my iPad! But, I will keep plugging along. I love the blogs from the members!


    Hi, Charlotte. Note that those ingredients are all whole grain in nature, and were selected because they are very balancing to the metabolism. The body does nee some carbohydrates to function and to burn fats.


    Hi, Bethany. The 14-day plan is in “My Downloads” above.


    It really really works! I still can’t believe my eyes each morning as I step on the scales. 5 days and 5.6 lbs. Wow! I have kept my menu variety small with a lot of repetition which makes it a lot easier for me to cope with and is less time in the kitchen. First diet ever where I can actually say I’m having FUN! Made my first ever home made ice cream today – veggie and low fat for some of my snacks – and I have to say it is absolutely delicious – thanks Ozzie for that tip!
    Good luck every one.


    I share your feelings about this diet. My husband and I were full of good intentions but having looked at your recipes we are not interested.I have Type 2 diabetes, insulin controlled, also globus pharyngeus for which I have limitations on my diet and having studied the recipes, I know that I would be unable to get many of the items locally. We already eat a healthy diet; fruit,veg,nuts etc and home made foods so I do not see that your weird foods will be of benefit.


    I agree, the meals look weird and do not tempt me at all, nor would I be able to get many of those ingredients locally.I have Type 2 diabetes {insulin and diet controlled} and globus pharyngeus which limits my diet considerably and have been eating a healthy diet for years, with a few acceptable treats.I too feel I have been conned!

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