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    hello to all, just a quick note. I have noticed that since i have on this program about 3 months now..the other day i thought i would have a naughty treat. believe it or not i couldnt stand it. LOL..hard to believe but i was nearly sick. So i guess my body is rejecting all the bad foods that i used to eat and saying NO, which is great i can rely on my b ody as well to let me know that this is a bad food and my need it…1 my kilo to go and i have lost 10 kilos YA YA and light to you all.


    hello purpleskye,
    it’s just so great to know that you are on good track & got really great achievement. 3 months no naughty treat, wowww !
    Just want to ask about your healthy percentage on your weekly menu & how much exercise that you’ve been doing ever since.
    This is really inspiring 😡
    Thank you 🙂


    I know what you mean purleskye. I love my wine, but had cut it out for a few weeks, had some Friday night (in moderation) and felt horrible and looked it all day Saturday. 🙁


    New to the club as of lunch yesterday. I’m really inspired by your words, purpleskye – although I WANT to be naughty on occasion lol! I probably won’t wait for 3 months. Maybe one meal a week. I’m looking forward to the leaner me 😀


    hello Melbtran, my weekly planner menu is 76percent or 78percent…i have coeliacs, allergic to eggs dairy and all said and done i think i have done a great job, my exeercise is just walking for around 30mins per day and thats all. but i do some gardening if the weather isnt to hot. hhope to hear from you on your journey…love and light.

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