Extremely Busy

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    Is it possible to do the program with very limited time to prepare meals? I teach school all day and have heavy responsibilities in the evenings that takes me out if the house several nights a week. I really, really want to make it work for me, but I don’t know how with my busy schedule. Any suggestions?


    I would prep your food the night before, put it in the fridge and then microwave it when you eat.
    Its not the best for taste but you still eating the same.
    I have been skiping the salad dressing and getting used to it.


    Same here…my husband and I both cook but often work extremely long hours, and we actually enjoy eating out which is not always the best when trying to lose. Is there a tutorial to know what choices to make when we can’t always use this menu plan?


    I certainly understand these delemias. I also work long hours; sometimes as long as 16 hour shifts. I don’t always have time to cook full course meals. As a matter of fact I rarely have time to put together these recipes. I need quick meals easy to prepare but healthy. Any Suggestions on where to find these alternatives?


    Some of the recipes here are for people just like you. Try anything that begins with “classic” or “homemade.”


    Personally, I plan to choose one or two new receipes and prepare them. I will put them in individual glass (Pyrex) containers and freeze individual servings. This way, I can grab one in them morning to take along. I like to also prepare 5 fresh salads on the first day of the week, so that I can just grab one each morning. I keep healthy dressings at work.


    Wondering how-to swap IN those Classic or Homemade recipes for something/or all of the computer generated menu plan?


    I often use the mini crock-pot at work. It has a carring case(lunch box type of cover) and I just plub it in at work and start smelling it about 1/2 hour before its ready-yum

    There are two crockpot recipes on this site, I will add to that number ofcourse; but, they will have to pass the nutritionist first to “fit” into the schema

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