Five Kids, and Homeschool – Time to Cook?

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    I am new to TDC. I’m a stay-at-home mom to five children and I homeschool. Thank God my kids are older and are a great help to me. However, the responsibilities with a seven person household are still challenging. I’m a little anxious at how much cooking is integrated in the menu planning. I don’t mind cooking so much, but I don’t want to be making recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I know that those good-for-you foods are not just quick grab foods, I’ll just have to adjust. :o) But, I am excited about the challenge and doing it for the whole family. Cheers to a new lifestyle and way of thinking about food, one day at a time…..


    Hi, and welcome! Just ease into it, and find methods that speed things out. Cooking ahead and freezing, coordinating simultaneous preparation, etc. can make things easier, and once you find your way, it can become second nature.


    I’m right there with you!!!I Homeschool my 2 children 3 and 7. Fortunately I have stopped working recently to stay home with them full time. I recently bought a food saver and I can tell ya that this is one of the greatest food gadgets I have acquired. It saves the food for longer and you can freeze foods for a lot longer. Making crackpot ready meals and freeze them has been a great asset for me (especially when I was working full time and homeschooling…yikes!!!), you can even make recipes and freeze them, a lot of lunch soups and meats can be made in the pressure cooker (another gadget I swear by!!!) and that makes cooking much faster. Good luck to all of us. 🙂

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