Food addictions

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    In my quest to understand my ups and down related to food I have realized that I suffer from addiction to sugar and rea
    I’ve I need some help overcoming this. Is anyone else experiencing the cycle that is so difficult to break? Wher do you tur to for help when emotional eating takes you off course?


    For me, it takes a good week to withdraw from my sugar addiction. Once that passes, I feel so much better and emotionally stronger. Since being on this food plan, by puttingmore fiber in my diet and reducing white carbs, my sugar level stays even and I don’t have the highs & lows that I had before. Don’t get me wrong, its tough to put the sugars down, but once it of my system, I don’t miss them like I thought I would. I believe for ME, sugar is a physical addiction. I always told people that my “Drug of choice” was sugar. Any addiction is a mind game, our mind convinces our bodies that we need the sugar to make us feel better, when in reality as we know the long term effects can destroy our bodies. After a week off the sugar I felt strong enough emotionally to not listen to the lies the sugar was telling me. I take very tiny steps in this new journey only 2 weeks for me. In the last two weeks, my son was involved in a car accident, then a week later his little pup was seriously hurt by a pit bull, but I put myself first in both situations and made sure my food was clean, and I was shocked to find that I actually handled both situations so much better than ever before, because I didn’t hid my feelings behind the sugar. I cried, I got mad, but I got through it without the sugar, so these small victories, keep me going from day to day.


    I don’t want my heart to condemn me, so when I get a craving for sweets, whole wheat bread, like a jelly and peanut butter sandwich, I remember I don’t want my heart to condemn me. That way I don’t feel guilt. I can go forward to success.

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