Foods in menu

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    I am a new member. I would like to now what kind of cheese is block cheese? What kind of olives is recommended, black or green. Is peanut butter one of the nut butters, and how much is okay. Is it okay to put milk in your cold or hot cereal. Would that be considered another item to be added to the menu. When I printed out my menu for the week I didn’t get the menu that I made the changes to. What did I do wrong. Is this the site where to ask these questions? Please let me know. I am excited In starting this plan to be healthier and to lose weight.


    Foods in menu


    Hi, Hazel, and welcome! Block cheese are generally the harder cheeses sold in blocks, such as cheddar, Jack, Colby, Swiss, etc. Both types of olives are fine, but green have been associated with more benefits in research. Peanut butter is absolutely one of the nut butters, and 1 Tablespoon is considered a serving size (equal to 1/2 protein and 1 full fat exchange), though if you have room in your meal, 2 Tablespoons is fine; we recommend unprocessed varieties with no added sugar or hydrogenated fats, available in health food stores.
    We definitely recommend you put milk in your cereal – sometimes it is an additional menu item, or you can select one of the “Cereal with Milk” options in the food lists (then divide your use of the two per your taste, i.e. if you get “1-1/2 cups,” you can have 3/4 cup of each, or however you like it).
    Regarding tech questions, the “Contact Us” link below will lead you to tech support.
    If you have any other nutrition questions, please do repost. We wish you the very best 🙂

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