getting started

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  • #18658

    I have just joined and am having a hard time following the web site. How do I get started?


    Hi, Katie, and welcome! I see you have completed your profile, which is the most important step. Next, you have two options:
    1. Start by reading the main Program Guide (in “My Downloads” above) to get an idea of what sort of nutrition we recommend.
    2. Enter the Menu Planner and either get started, or go through the video tutorial. Keep in mind when you see the lists that the lighter the blue, the healthier the item.
    Or do step 1 before 2 – your choice.
    Afterwards, you can gradually make your way through the other guides we offer in “My Downloads” and read the articles in other parts of the site.
    If you have any nutrition questions or concerns, please do post here.
    If you would like technical assistance, you can reach that team through the “Contact Us” link below.
    Best wishes! 🙂

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