Gluten Free

Home Forums Nutrition & Diet Gluten Free


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  • #2155

    Hi – I just joined and want to know if this diet can accommodate a Gluten free restriction. Thanks in advance!!


    Definitely! Our menu planner is full of gluten-free foods. If you would like some guidance there, please let us know here, and we’ll walk you throught it.


    Hi again – finally getting back to you – just downloaded all of the PDF files but haven’t read thru them yet – are they in any of those docs or the menu planner online??

    Also is this system the same for men and women or should it be approached differently for each??

    Thanks again!!


    The Menu Planner feature is different for men and women, and we do cover differences between men and women in some of the articles and scientific updates that we post here.
    All food items are in the menu planner.


    Can I use Gluten-free bread or crackers? If so, what do they replace?


    Any gluten-free version of a product would replace any similar product – for example, gluten-free crackers would replace whole-wheat, rice, or rye crackers, and gluten-free break would replace any bread, etc. If it is a healthful enough gluten-free cracker or bread, a certain amount could also replace pasta, rice, cereal.

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