Good morning… beginning!

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    Hi everyone. This is my first day. I am so excited to find a program that doesn’t make me feel like a failure if I don’t do everything perfect every single day. I am so excited to get started. Off to the grocery store. Later my new friends.


    Ok….beginning a new week. The weekend was difficult staying on track with food. Praise God for 2nd chances, and 3rds and 4ths. I AM going to get this. Have a great Tuesday everyone.


    I just read the book & thought “I’ve known all this for decades” BUT I forget & go back to all the processed “diet” foods & “diet” sodas. I really liked the way every single detail was explained & do believe that this has been my problems for years & why I can’t lose weight. I do have hope that this will really work!!! I’m staying on the edges of the grocery store from now on. No more processed diet foods.

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