Grains Confliction. Good or Bad for you?

Home Forums Nutrition & Diet Grains Confliction. Good or Bad for you?

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    I always see conflicting information about Grains. I’ve heard wheat is better than white, whole grain is better than wheat, and all of it is bad.
    Doctors are now writing books about how gluten, wheat, whole grains, sugars and carbs are destructive on our brains. Everyone; including Doctors, nutritionist…and even the government with their new “food plate” has different ideas of what a ‘healthy’ diet is. I’m going crazy trying to figure out what the best diet for my body is!! I’m not a fad dieter. I believe in balancing nutritious foods but WHAT IS NUTRITIOUS!


    Hi, Nicole. This program was put together to balance all of that information and take the guesswork out of your eating.
    The trick is to start with a fundamentally healthy diet that includes all food groups with the healthiest forms of food (unprocessed, fresh, whole, sprouted), and pay attention to how your own body responds. Not everyone is sensitive to grains, but if you are, you will have symptoms – sprouting of grains can prevent some of these symptoms (bloating, fatigue, fogginess, unbalanced blood sugar) – or even weight gain.


    Can you tell me what food sensitivity could possibly cause similar symptoms to hypoglycemia?


    Hi, NicoleManson. Hypoglycemia can be a very general symptom of a sensitivity reaction, and so just having it does not necessarily pinpoint a specific food. You can either be tested or find the offending food by process of elimination – pay attention to your reactions within the 1-2 hours after eating.

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