Hello I really need help

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    Can someone help me with my program please. I am not very good with computers. If I can get help from someone who has been on the program and help me would be great. I will give you my skype name is sarapozzobon and please let me know that you are from TrimDown Club


    Hi, Sara. I have forwarded your query to the tech support team.


    I’m with this gal on needing some personal support. I am computer savvy and can visit with anyone using Skype. My Skype name is cindeellee. I have numerous problems plaguing me trying to use this system to lose weight. The biggest problem is my osteoarthritis and the daily chronic pain that I endure every day. I can barely walk and definitely am not able to exercise. This is also due to difficulty breathing and becoming weak. So, an exercise program is almost impossible. And THAT’S where the problem lies. I gained over 150 lbs because of the chronic pain and the difficulty walking or standing. I have other health issues that keep me from doing most anything physical. Any way, you get my drift. I’d be very grateful to hear from someone about what to do. My name is Cindee for anyone who contacts me. Thanks.


    Hi, cinde000. I will forward your issue here to our fitness specialist, Megan. Your situation is very, very common – but far from impossible – and Megan would be happy to give some helpful tips.

    Meagan Lee


    Exercise is considered the most effective non-drug treatment for reducing pain and improving movement in osteoarthritis.

    Three kinds of exercise are important for people with osteoarthritis: exercises involving range of motion, also called flexibility exercises; endurance or aerobic exercises; and strengthening exercises. Each one plays a role in maintaining and improving your ability to move and function.

    I would recommend speaking with your doctor or physical therapist about the specific exercises that are best for you but it will help tremendously with pain management.

    Range of motion/flexibility: Range of motion refers to the ability to move your joints through the full motion they were designed to achieve. When you have osteoarthritis, pain and stiffness make it very difficult to move certain joints more than just a little bit, which can make even the simplest tasks challenging.

    Flexibility exercises include moderate stretching and movements that take joints through their full range of motion. Doing these exercises regularly – ideally every day – can help maintain and even improve the flexibility in your joints.

    Aerobic/endurance: These exercises strengthen your heart and make your lungs more efficient. This conditioning has the added benefit of reducing fatigue, so you have more stamina throughout the day. Aerobic exercise also helps control your weight by increasing the amount of calories your body uses while doing the exercise.
    Start slowly and do 5 minutes of focus aerobic exercise every other day and then build from there.

    Strengthening: Strengthening exercises help maintain and improve your muscle strength. Strong muscles can support and protect joints that are affected by arthritis. Use very light weights such as 2lbs and start with a simple exercise like bicep curls and add in one new exercise per week. Your body will adjust with time.

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