help! i dont understand how to make this work in real life

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    •2 cups of Chicken Soup for the Gods
    •1 cup of Onion, green/spring (Scallion)
    •1/2 cup of Green Beans
    my lunch so my question is this,in order for this diet to be succesfull you need to be able to make it a true lifestyle change. Why is there no place on here to say amounts of things you should be eating when for example 1 portion protien, 3 portions vegi 2 carbs something like that because i look at this and think how am i going to eat a cup of onions? i mean it isnt going to happen… i have another that wants me to eat mustard with my yogurt, i just dont think these menus are planned out well but yet there is no way to make my own day following the guidlines with things people will actually eat. please someone help and dont say just click the little things to change it because it still doesnt really help. i need to know what that food group is and what the serving amount should be in order to change it to something compatible thats eddible


    Hello, I’m new to this program and I understand your delima. If it says to eat a cup of onions to me,it means to create a food the add my onions to, like salad or soup. You can create a large enough serving for more than one day. Work the system as best for you and try different system that help you reach your goals and stick to it. It’s the best way. Let me know how it works


    If you have set up your preferences in your menu planner, the menu should produce a daily menu balanced for the day. If you don’t like something in a meal, click the little arrow to switch your choice to something that works better. For example, switch your onions to another vegetable on the list to swap out. The on line tool allows you to make switches for equal substitutes. I find it is working ok for me, except if you want a lot of choices that require recipes you better make sure you have the ingredients to make that recipe. I switch back and forth with little recipes and lots of recipes. I wish there was a better balance.


    I totally agree with all these comments about the weird menu choices, they make me feel sick just looking at them, the combinations are so yuk! I am feeling like I am regretting this programme. So I am going to just use it as a general guide and leave out the combinations that do not work and add in things I think might be suitable. I am following the general food advice, avoiding refined sugars and starches etc and avoiding too much fat etc.I just hope it works for me. I am not seeing the nutritionists giving any response to the many complaints about the menu combinations, so Iwould be glad ifyou could help us out here!


    Hi, FrancesJill. Concerns about odd food choices are forwarded to the tech support team. Note that a recent upgrade in the Menu Planner application allows you to change food items once you get your menu – see the icon next to each item, and swap out whatever you want.


    Thanks for the reply, but I find that the menu substitutes are not a whole lot better than the original. I love to create my own recipes but find the food lists very limited and restrictive, no additional sauces or spices, everything I have listed is very dry with no sauce or gravy to help it go down – bland and strange combinations that leave me feeling depressed and uninterested in food. I am really struggling with this programme, sorry. I think I am going to have to go it alone – again!


    Spices are “free” foods (as are lemon juice, vinegars, mustard, soup powder), so they do not appear on the Menu Planner. You may also notice options for fats, such as a teaspoon or two of oil – these represent dressings, sauces, and gravies that you can add, even if the exact name of the item does not appear on the menu.


    I am new to this and am really puzzled. I have a cookbook with recipes yet the menu planner does not tell me when to make the recipe, it just says eat half a banana or 1 tsp butter (just like all the other diets do!). Am I missing something or do I really have to search for a recipe to use my limited ingredients in and, if so, what did I pay for as I could have bought a healthy cookbook for a lot less money.


    I too am puzzled, the mustard with the yogurt showed up for me also. Interesting that not one of the yummy desserts appeared in all 7 days. I do not have a clue to know where I would find SGW pastry.


    oh boy!!! I just joined this site I have not made a menu yet by the looks of this readings I sure hope I made a good investment if not I will ask for refund


    I’m with you guys. I am from Australia and perhaps our eating habits are quite different. The amount of hot food cooking from recipes for huge servings (eg, for whole families) are not helpful for ONE person. When I reduce options to eliminate living in the kitchen the health rating drops to 75% (which I believe is not desirable) and I there is no education or understanding of how to achieve balance on a more fresh food basis.


    I am also an aussie you can sort out your menu to the foods you like and I am a male and like cooking and experimenting my daughter is a chef.If you notice these days we dont get a plate full of food when we order a meal its combinations of tastes which I think is a european thing this is a similar thing and im quite excited about giving it a go we just have to get rid of the meat and potatoes.I would suggest you reduce the reccomended ingredients by 3 if you live alone or if you stick to the amount put it in the fridge and eat it on another day.


    I have forwarded your comments to the tech support team.


    I kind of get it but who can afford it. I’m on a fixed income, what are some options I could actualy buy ,I’ve already tapped my well used credit card to buy this diet, Now I’m sad because I can’t aford the SWG bread, organic anything of lots of high priced fruit or very lean meat.So what can I eat?


    hi, like you I’m on a low income,and only just signed up for this but i think we can do this… ordinary whole grain bread should be ok, try to make sensible choices to substitute and i’m sure we’ll be on to a winner, don’t give up at the first hurdle,follow the guidelines, and do your best to stay focused.. i’m in north wales the most northern point and there are no health stores here.But the guidelines seem ok

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