Help please – Belly fat

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    After a long absence, I have returned to Trim Down Club and hope to glean the wisdom available. I also have a “belly” that repulses me, although others say, “oh, you look fine” I KNOW I need to trim done. Is there an Ab exercise program recommended?

    Thank you! And I clicked on “Subscribe to topic” so not to miss any wisdom! Regards, Joe


    Hi I’m new to this too, have a mummy tummy which has always been hard to tackle, I also have fibromyalgia and had a hysterectomy so overall my health is not good, and up until now I’ve eaten very little and gained weight, hence I’ve joined up here, but it all seems a little confusing to me too!


    Hi, Angelsday, and welcome. Just ease into it, make small changes, and don’t stress 🙂 You don’t have to be perfect, just do a little better each time, and it will add up and eventually become second nature without too much suffering. Take time to read some of our guides (in “My Downloads” above) and articles, look through the personal Menu Planner, etc.


    I have been doing this for two months and sticking to it! I have more energy so I can now walk a half mile or a little more per day! I go from 190 to 188 and then up again it is frustrating because I am really trying. I haven’t had any seizures or episodes either in the last 6 weeks! I know the program is helping me but I don’t understand why I can’t drop more wait?! My husband says its muscles because I’m walking?! Any ideas, please!!


    I have been doing this for two months and sticking to it! I have more energy so I can now walk a half mile or a little more per day! I go from 190 to 188 and then up again it is frustrating because I am really trying. I haven’t had any seizures or episodes either in the last 6 weeks! I know the program is helping me but I don’t understand why I can’t drop more wait?! My husband says its muscles because I’m walking?! Any ideas, please!! gipoink


    Hi, gipoink. I’m so glad to read that your health is improving. Yes, your husband is absolutely correct – muscle is heavier than fat, so a better measure would be how you’re looking and how your clothes are fitting. The scale will catch up eventually.


    Best way to burn belly fat is???


    Hi, f.eric00. The best way to “burn” belly fat is to avoid overly processed foods, take care to eat foods that support healthy gut bacteria and balanced insulin levels, and get plenty of exercise that is both cardio and strength-building. Those are the principles upon which this program is based, so you’ve come to the right place :).


    hi, I am new to this and have a lot of weight to loose for my daughters wedding on Sept 25. panicking a bit, have had a spinal operation and hysterectomy so other than walking a bit am not able to exercise, will walking be enough? are there any foods I can eat to burn fat, have a nut allergy so nuts are out. am desperate!


    Hi, Shanat. Walking is excellent, as is weight training (just lifting cans of food or bottles of water in front of the TV is fine). As you’re walking, try jogging for 30 seconds for each 5 minutes to increase fat burning. As for foods, fresh herbs and spices help, as do green teas and focusing on protein and good fats such as olive oil.


    what are the best foods to eat to help the bloating and bulging of belly fat?


    Hi, JeanHare. It depends on the reason. Is the bloating new? Are you sensitive to any foods?


    I am a teacher off for the summer, trying to dive back into my fitness routine and seriously get that 28 pounds off that has crept over the past 8 years. At first it was just 10 pounds, then I let another 18 sneak on between getting a hysterectomy. going back to get my masters degree, and drinking a little too often to ease job related stress ( A no-no that I have stopped! Thank God!)

    I notice that my weight loss is crawling this go around, despite 45 minute a day workouts 5X a week at peak heart rate, incorporating more water daily, and watching what I eat.

    I was expecting to lose at least 8-9 pounds by now and am frustrated to see my weight flux back and forth between 212 and 213 pounds without any further progress.

    Do I ramp up my exercise more? Back in the day I used to do split session training….1/2 hour in the mornings and 1/2 hour in the afternoons to get weight off. Am I needing to do this to get the weight off now?

    Also..any suggestions for minimizing upper arm cellulite. My arms are thinning down, but I am plagued with dimples! ARGH.



    I learned a few years ago that my weight gain was due to failing thyroid. I was losing a little of my short-term memory as well and am on medication. I went from 160 to 223 in 3-4 years but trying to make a serious effort to battle the “low-metabolism” as I could gain a pound with a single cracker it seemed. I need to exercise more but am committing myself to the advice on these forums, coconut oil, high-fat (the good kind), high-veggie, etc.. diet. I’ve already lost a few pounds in a few weeks that I could not lose in over 1-2 years. And with this diet (and the coconut oil), I’m feeling constantly full and not overeating like I used to.

    But if you’re excecising a lot and following a low-sugar / healthy diet like this and still struggling to lose weight, an underactive thyroid could be a possibility and worth getting the TSH levels tested?


    Hi, tkousek. Welcome, and congratulations on your progress so far 🙂
    I absolutely would support your idea of getting your TSH checked – it is truly worth getting balanced.

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