How do I incorporate the recipes into the Personal Menu

Home Forums 60-Day Challenge How do I incorporate the recipes into the Personal Menu


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    Hi, I have just joined this progam today and I have followed the guide to create my personal menu as instructed. However, I cant seem to find the recipes for the recommended menu. How do incorporate the recipes with the recommended food intake? If I used the recipes in the Recipes session, then it will throw my personal menu intake off balance. Pls advise – I am excited to try out this program but yet equally confused. Thanks.


    Hi, Mchyle, and welcome. If you use the personal version of the Menu Planner application (access it by clicking on the “My Food Choices” icon in the toolbar above your current menu), you will see some of our recipes in the “Recipes” subcategory of each major food group. For newer recipes that have not yet been added into the system, you can use them to substitute for the main ingredient in your meal. You can also match up the exchanges visible at the end of each recipe and when you click on “Exchange mode” in the toolbar above your menu. It doesn’t need to be a perfect match to work.


    Thanks Sharon, I’m slowly getting the hang of it. The pounds have been shedding off slowly, so I am motivated by the results to stay on track so far.


    Hi, MChyle. That’s wonderful news!


    I just started and I have the same question. Is there not a way to have the recipes in the menu? I see so many good looking breakfast recipes and there are only a few of them in the bottom of the menu. I do not understand how to use them in the menus. Also, I do not have time to sit down and go through the recipes every time, and read through them to find out how to redo every menu so that the items fit in place of what is there. Is there an easy way to do this? Is there a way to have the planner use the menus? Thank you for your help


    Is there a way to have a link at the bottom of the recipes that might say something like, “Add this to my menu list”?

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