How do you stay on track?

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    How do I stay on task with my program when I work all day without breaks and only get 15 minutes for lunch. After a 10-12 hour work day, I’m too tired to even think about cooking dinner.


    Hi, Jolene1104. There are many Clubmembers in your spot. Since eating snacks is impossible, but drinking is generally allowed, you may wish to try drinking your snacks – by filling up thermoses with hearty shakes or soups (we have many recipes for both); you can just select ingredients from the Menu Planner food lists that would fit in these recipes. If you have a microwave where you work, you may wish to take meals from home to heat (which you can prepare the evening before, or over the weekend and freeze individual portions); if you don’t, there are many easy meals that are quick to prepare and very portable – such as sandwiches, nuts and seeds, fruits and vegetables, crackers and cheese, yogurt. For evening meals, you can also prepare them over the weekend and freeze individual portions for simple heating, with just a simple tossed salad or microwaved vegetable in addition.

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