How to add specific foods

Home Forums Nutrition & Diet How to add specific foods

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    Hi, I am new to the program, could you please tell me how I add specific foods to rotate in my menu. I like to use tofu in my cooking and would like it to be part of my menu items. Also please address red wine for me, If I have a glass in the evening what should I be exchanging it with? Thanks!


    Hi, rousem. The easiest way to add foods is to substitute them for something else by clicking on the edit tool (a pencil icon) to the immediate right of an item (in this case, a protein food like meat or fish), then selecting a replacement from the pop-up list. If you can’t find the specific food you want, you can build the meal with it by clicking on the edit tool to the upper right of the meal, then making your selections from the searchable master food list – you will be guided by your meal pattern, which has been calculated to meet your needs. This is also a good place to select red wine, which can be swapped in as a combination of a carbohydrate+fat or sweet exchange.

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