Intolerance to Dairy, wheat and corn

Home Forums Nutrition & Diet Intolerance to Dairy, wheat and corn

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    I just found out that I am intolerant to dairy, wheat and corn and I have no idea were to start. Can someone please help me?


    hi Silvanacini, i am coeliacs, allergies to dairy eggs, and fish, what i have done is asked OSSIE for help and she was very helpful, i went to the vegatatrian section and found heaps of reeally good tasting recipies that are very useful. just keyword vegatarian…love and light.


    The Menu Planner application lets you choose what you want, and therefore omit what you can’t eat. In addition, the program encourages label-reading of products – if you have questions regarding the food labels you encounter (i.e. terms for ingredients that contain dairy, wheat, and corn), just post here, and we will help.
    There are many alternatives to dairy – the Menu Planner lists them as “vegan.”

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