Irritable Bowel Syndrome

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    Does anyone have any advice on how to follow this nutrition plan when you have IBS. After just one week I became very sick. I not sure if it was due to eating different foods then what my body was use to eating.


    Hi, Cheryl69. The most important thing is to use the full Menu Planner application (rather than the Ready-to-Go menus) so you can select the foods to go in your menus, and avoid the foods that aggravate your condition. If you need any other assistance, please do repost.


    IBS can take so many forms and with varying symptoms. So it might depend on your particular symptoms, what is best for you to eat.

    I had trouble with IBS several years ago. It got much better after I started to take a daily pro-biotic. Make sure you get one that guarantees the number of organisms until expiration date, not “at time of manufacture.” I had a hard time finding one like that, but I finally found Phillips. It was also one of the least expensive.

    I think, too, if you are eating more fiber than usual on this diet, you need to drink water with every high-fiber food. Fiber is good for you, but if you are not used to it, it can cause problems if you don’t have enough moisture to help it pass through your system.

    Hope you are feeling better.

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