Just getting started

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    I just found this site this morning so I am just getting organized. Looks like a trip to Whole Foods is coming up.


    I’ve just joined the programme, and eaten my first Monday Breakfast. It was huge! I’m really impressed with the menu plans, and how I don’t have to change what I’ve been eating, just in different portions and combinations. I’ve been struggling with weight loss by different methods for over 10 years. Just thinking about this programme makes me feel better already. I’m off to enjoy some food shopping…!

    jr wallace

    Hello I am on day one and just didn’t have time to do the shopping first. I have 60% of the items. Is is possible to modify the plan by just knowing a “formula” to follow. Like 1 protein, 1 fruit, 1 starch for breakfast etc. Staying within the guidelines of the recommended foods just not eating the specific items on the menu planner?


    I found most of the ingredients, but it could take a few days to get used to the new regime. I decided to try some new things, and had my first taste of ‘edamame’. The beans were delicious, as was the SWG rye bread. I’m very glad to have found this site – it’s giving me a totally new perspective on vegetarian cuisine.


    Hi, Wallace – absolutely. You can see what the pattern is based on the menu provided for you, and insert healthy options that fit the food group. You can also move things around during the day as long as you get a good protein source in the morning and don’t leavee your heaviest intake to when you are least active.


    I didn’t see a pattern over the 14 day plan.


    “Pattern” refers to the food groups represented and the serving sizes at each meal. For example, X amount of cereal grains with X amount of dairy at breakfast, etc.


    my grocery shopping trip will have to wait til I get paid since I spent my last hundred on this site. However, next weekend is looking promising. 🙂

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