just joined and need help

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    I joined 3 weeks ago, first week was great, I lost 2kg and hubby lost 5kg, but the next weeks haven’t seen a drop at all, the only thing I’ve noticed is that first week I felt full, but since then I’m hungrier. I’m not fully following the menus, as it’s taking a while to stock the pantry, but I’m keeping to the general idea with what we have. Any thoughts? I’m aiming at losing 10-15kg


    Just joined today. I find the menu to be a little overwhelming would like to be able to pick things so I can repeat several days of the same thing and then gradually add different things. Is there a way to make the menu a little simplier?

    Also, what are your thoughts on splenda in ice tea?


    Hi, tavery. Yes, the profile is to be the source of your menu pattern. However, some people have specific concerns, and I’m happy to check. You just never know, and better safe than sorry (back-ups and double-checks are usually a good idea). Thanks for the info – the last thing I need is the rest of your sample day. Thanks.


    Hi, dialey. Because of the nature of the program, it will take a little longer than most diets. Your body is getting used to the level of food (this may be a challenge if you have been on deprivation diets before), and it sounds like you are getting used to the principles, which is great. Patience is key here, as everyone reacts a little differently.
    If you feel the sudden plateau is dragging on too long, try adding some exercise, or changing a little the exercuse you are doing to jump-start your metabolism. Another trick – try drinking a full glass of cool water in the morning (this can also help your metabolism).


    Hi, Stalbirda. Be sure to make as few selections as possible when going through the Menu Planner application. Then, you can spread the weekly menus out over several weeks, repeat days as you wish, and ease into the changes. Many people do this already.


    Hi all, so it’s ok to pick your favorite day of food in the menu generated and just eat that all week? Just joined. Started on Monday and lost 3 pounds so far. Loving the food but it takes a lot of prep so it’s easier to pick one day and repeat, especially since i don’t get bored if i like a menu 🙂




    Hi, lxcn1313. You can repeat days throughout the week, as long as you get a good variety of fruits and vegetables.


    Thanks. My menu has strawberries, watermelon, green beans, veggie salad (lettuce, cucumber, radish, spinach), steamed veggies (broccoli, cauliflower), pear, carrots. Good?


    Can anyone assist me in the Menu planner to change kg to lbs and inches


    Hi, Daralin. Next to the weight box, you will see a little icon that says “Lbs” – click on that, and your numbers will change to metric.


    I just started, checked all the things I would eat in each category aren’t I suppose to get menus designed with what I eat? that is what I thought this club offered?


    I just started today done my meal planner and for my tea its told me to eat white pasta with 2 veg and a bit of pizza … surely that isn’t right .. ive thrown it in the bin it was horrible!


    Hi, millerd763. In the Snacks tab, scroll all the way to the bottom, and click on the “Finish” button. Your menus will pop up. If the button is faded out, it means you have not selected enough items in each category for each meal.


    Hi, Debbie12r. Next to each item in your menu is a circular arrow icon – you can click on it to swap items. Note that the foods listed in your menu are for you to season as you wish. In the list you provided, you could swap one of the vegetables for tomato sauce for the pasta, for example.

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