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    Hi! I signed up last night and am anxious to begin. I have been hopelessly dieting for twenty years and my weight continues to go up, so I hope that Trim Down Club will be able to help me. I am a wife and mother of three. One of our favorite activities is to eat hot air pop corn on Friday night, while watching a movie. Can I still enjoy this treat? If so, how much can I eat? I didn’t see pop corn listed on the meal plan, but I thought it was considered to be a healthy snack. I like eating it with a little coconut oil or olive oil spray and some flavored salt.


    First of all, welcome! We wish you well, and hope your years of experience will enable you to get a lot out of this program.
    Popcorn is indeed a healthy snack if prepared well (i.e. with olive oil, as you noted). It is not on our list because the menu planner is geared more toward meals and meal-type snacks, but you can indeed exchange 2 cups of air-popped corn for every starchy carb (i.e. crackers, bread, rice, etc.), and a teaspoon of oil for every fat.


    Still just reading over the info that I’ve bought into. Not sure any of it makes too much sense. Need to re-lose 25# but this program looks way too difficult. Where do I even start? Did the menu planner and, yuk!


    Try the 14-day sample menu plan in My Downloads (link above). That will give you a framework for your day. You can substitute similar foods (from the same food groups) from what you usually like – but a healthier, unprocessed, fresher, lower-fat version. You can get some ideas from the menu planner food group lists, and try making a field trip to a health-oriented supermarket such as Whole Foods or Trader Joes.


    What is Quuineau and does it change the taste of baked goods?


    Quinoa is a grain-like seed that resembles couscous in appearance, but is relatively rich in high-quality protein. To use it in baking, you can use either as is cooked, or in the flour form – it has a very mild flavor, and should not change the taste of baked goods usually made with white flour. Since it tends to be a big heavier than wheat flour, for more delicate items such as cakes, it has been suggested to use the following propotions: 2/3 quinoa flour, 1/3 wheat or rice flour.


    Where do you buy quinoa. I have been looking for it for awhile because I do not like plain oatmeal but have been unsuccessful. I had a quinoa salad a couple days ago at a restaurant and it was great. Even leftover. I am new here so thank you.


    Quinoa is available at any health-oriented grocery store, including the larger chains such as Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods, New Leaf, etc.


    Most of the posts I’ve read were when everyone has just started, but no updates on their progress after that first week.. I would love to hear back from Skinnyboater, Toni or Winn to see what they think today of the program and how they like it, 2 months down the road..


    Im not a big breakfast eater and the menu as a lot of stuff, can I skip the salad? Just started this program.


    Hi, Kathy. Yes, you can skip the morning salad – just make sure you get 5 total servings of fruits and vegetables throughout the day.


    I just signed up yesterday. the meal plan is a lot of food, do you have to eat all the meals to loose weight?


    Hi, Jean – welcome. The Menu Planner output is intended to ensure you are not hungry and have no urge to snack beyond what your body needs. I would suggest that you collect the “extras” that you can’t finish at meals, and move them to times when you are usually prone to snacking or overdoing a meal. Just the following principles are important to maintain:
    1. A good source of protein at breakfast
    2. No less than 5 total servings of fruits and vegetables
    3. Don’t push too much food to the end of your day, unless that’s when you are most physically active.
    Best of luck, and don’t hesitate to ask more questions here.


    Just signed up today. Confused as to what raw milk, butter etc is?


    Raw dairy products are made from milk that has not been pasteurized or homogenized. It is believed that this better preserves the maximum nutritional value. There is an article you can read on the Trim Down Website, and more about where to find products here: http://www.realmilk.com (stores don’t generally carry them).

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