Left overs

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    I just cooked the chicken broccoli stir fry…there is way too much food for just myself…..can I have it for lunch or dinner again tomorrow night?……OR…are all menus planned a certain way..and substitutes not allowed?….basically what I have for lunch and dinner today..I’d like for tomorrow also….


    Hi, Mrmag0784. Absolutely! You can also freeze it for even later use. Just note what exchanges are represented (click on “View Menu Exchanges” to the right of your menu) and substitute for other similar meals (one cup of this recipe = 2 oz chicken or other protein, and a serving of vegetables).
    Next time, please do take advantage of the “Fewer Servings” function next to the “Serves: 6” at the bottom of the page to convert the recipe for preparation of fewer portions.


    hi ossie-sharon,
    I am new to this trim down club and I just want to know what the 5 foods are not to eat, i know it’s orange juice and margarien. Everytime I watch the video it stops in the middle therefore I don’t get to listen to the rest of the foods. Please help I want to get started.


    Thanks…I’m just learning my way thru this site….and I didn’t realize that there were Menu exchanges….


    Hi, snoekie99. In addition to regular margarine and preserved orange juice, we recommend avoiding regular “wheat bread,” regular and processed soy, and artificial sweeteners.
    Instead, we recommend good oils, natural butter, or “smart” butter alternatives that use good oils; fresh-squeezed orange juice (or even better, whole fruit); 100% whole wheat or sprouted whole grain bread; organic fermented soy; and natural sweeteners such as Stevia, monk fruit, or even coconut sugar or organic whole evaporated cane juice.
    As you can see, the point is to avoid processed foods, and favor natural whole foods.

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