Male infertility and nutrition

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  • #2483

    Where is the article on this topic that was shown on the website last week?

    TDC Tech Support

    Hello and thank you for your message,
    you can find the aforementioned article in “Articles” and\or by clicking this link directly:

    Trim Down Club Support Team


    Do you have citations for studies that have shown eating these things can help with male infertility?


    The following are references for the male fertility foods article:
    Safarinejad MR, Hosseini SY, Dadkhah F, Asgari MA. Relationship of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids with semen characteristics, and anti-oxidant status of seminal plasma: a comparison between fertile and infertile men. Clin Nutr. 2010 Feb;29(1):100-5.

    Roqueta-Rivera M, Stroud CK, Haschek WM, Akare SJ, Segre M, Brush RS, Agbaga MP, Anderson RE, Hess RA, Nakamura MT. Docosahexaenoic acid supplementation fully restores fertility and spermatogenesis in male delta-6 desaturase-null mice. J Lipid Res. 2010 Feb;51(2):360-7.

    Türk G, Sönmez M, Aydin M, Yüce A, Gür S, Yüksel M, Aksu EH, Aksoy H. Effects of pomegranate juice consumption on sperm quality, spermatogenic cell density, antioxidant activity and testosterone level in male rats. Clin Nutr. 2008 Apr;27(2):289-96.

    D’Aniello G, Ronsini S, Guida F, Spinelli P, D’Aniello A. Occurrence of D-aspartic acid in human seminal plasma and spermatozoa: possible role in reproduction. Fertil Steril. 2005 Nov;84(5):1444-9.

    Schmid TE, Eskenazi B, Marchetti F, Young S, Weldon RH, Baumgartner A, Anderson D, Wyrobek AJ. Micronutrients intake is associated with improved sperm DNA quality in older men.
    Fertil Steril. 2012 Nov;98(5):1130-1137.

    Comhaire FH, El Garem Y, Mahmoud A, Eertmans F, Schoonjans F. Combined conventional/antioxidant “Astaxanthin” treatment for male infertility: a double blind, randomized trial. Asian J Androl. 2005 Sep;7(3):257-62.

    Silver EW, Eskenazi B, Evenson DP, Block G, Young S, Wyrobek AJ. Effect of antioxidant intake on sperm chromatin stability in healthy nonsmoking men. J Androl. 2005 Jul-Aug;26(4):550-6.

    Al-Azemi MK, Omu AE, Fatinikun T, Mannazhath N, Abraham S. Factors contributing to gender differences in serum retinol and alpha-tocopherol in infertile couples. Reprod Biomed Online. 2009 Oct;19(4):583-90.

    Boxmeer JC, Smit M, Utomo E, Romijn JC, Eijkemans MJ, Lindemans J, Laven JS, Macklon NS, Steegers EA, Steegers-Theunissen RP. Low folate in seminal plasma is associated with increased sperm DNA damage. Fertil Steril. 2009 Aug;92(2):548-56.

    Murphy LE, Mills JL, Molloy AM, Qian C, Carter TC, Strevens H, Wide-Swensson D, Giwercman A, Levine RJ. Folate and vitamin B12 in idiopathic male infertility. Asian J Androl. 2011 Nov;13(6):856-61

    Sikka SC, Rajasekaran M, Hellstrom WJ. Role of oxidative stress and antioxidants in male infertility. J Androl. 1995 Nov-Dec;16(6):464-8.

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