Maybe This Time..

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    I’ve just signed up and waiting to get started after Thanksgiving. Maybe this time, I’ll stay focus. Maybe this one is it. After several other weight loss programs, maybe this is finally the one. I could only pray that maybe this time, I’ll succeed.


    Pastor Vicki,
    With all due respect your opening sentence will doom you to failure. Anyone waiting to get stsrted will find there is always an event to cause you to postpone getting started. A birthday, Christmas, Easter, 4th of July, and anniversary. That is like saying,”I’ll give my life to Christ, and can hardly wait to get started giving my life to Christ after Thanksgiving.” No, now is the only moment you have, and waiting to start is not a good indication of success.


    Hi Beenthere! With Great respect for your comment, I am a very REAL person and can appreciate REAL and honest feedback. You are absolutely correct. As I minister all the time that “this is the day the Lord has made”. I must take a lesson from myself and “this is the day I will change my life.” Thank you again, for “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”. You’re absolulely right,The moment is now!

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