Meal plan

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    I was reading that there is the keto plan 3 meals 1 snack and a low carb plan 3 meals and 3 snacks. How do you change to the 3/3 plan?


    Hi, Crazydazzy2003. Deselect “Keto” in the “Dietary Needs” area of your profile (on the right side), then generate a new menu.


    I need to have a plan that is lower in protein. Is this possible?


    Hi, ChrisMS61. If you would like to stick with keto, then switching to the vegetarian route will help cut back a little on protein. What is your upper limit?
    If you are OK with not doing keto, then you can have more flexibility. In our non-keto route, you can use the fully personal version of the menu planner to build a menu from scratch, while tweaking your macronutrient exchanges to give you what you need. To access this, click on the edit tool (a pencil icon) to the upper right of each meal header, then make selections from the searchable master food list. You will be guided by your meal pattern, which has been calculated to meet your basic nutrition needs, but you can make substitutions to meet your medical needs. To cut back on protein, you can use any of the following in place of a protein exchange: 1 carbohydrate, 2 vegetables, 1 fruit, or 2 fats.



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