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    I like the menu planer, you can select each item and choose an alternative. I started with a rating of 85 but after “fine tuning” I’m now at 91. I agree that the shopping list could be improved. I created a spread sheet, added the items, quantity for each day and then a total quantity for each item based on cup, ounce, each. I also itemized the items in the list based on type, I print it out and then start at the entrance of the store and work my way around.

    If you could do that,”should not take too much changing of the template” then I think people will be much happier.

    As an observation it looks like the site is hosted in the US but has an EU “flavor” to it based on reading the forums. If this is the case it should make for interesting/challenging forum to read and for your staff to support due to the differences i.e metric vs standard and different social outlooks.I for one “a New Englander” relay like the site, although I had to get used to the forum layout.
    I’m an avid reader so I read all the provided PDF’s first before using the site, “it was also a great idea that you provide them in mp3 as well” so once I started using the site everything made more sense. Maybe I’m lucky but most all the items listed in the meal planner is available to me locally, with the exception of raw milk products. After researching it appears that the US frowns on unprocessed raw milk to the point where it’s illegal in some states to even sell 🙁 We have a local cheese maker and I’m going to stop in and see what they can or cannot do for me for whole cheese. Grass fed beef is available in the markets but oddly enough it imported from Australia! Again I have a lead on a local farmer a few towns over and he is supposedly selling his own grass fed beef so hopefully this will turn out to be true.

    Well enough of my blabbering, adding a more user friendly shopping list would be a plus but so far that’s my only negative to the site, keep up the good work and I’m glad I found this site.



    For those of you looking for a height/weight chart here is a link:
    If you want to do the math yourself here is a link for that:



    Hi, Lisa. It will become more and more important that you focus on protein and good fats in your diet.


    Hi All, I had a few problems when I got started as I couldn’t fnd a lot of items here in middle italy but each item started on your meal planner should have a little refresh at the end, if you don’t like the item you can change to an alternative, which works a treat for me. good luck


    Hi, SwampRat. Thanks for the great input – I have forwarded your exact post to our development team.


    Hi, AmArtist. The menus generated by the Menu Planner generally do not have seasonings and sauces in them, but you absolutely can add 1-3 teaspoons of something, depending on how much fat and salt are in it.
    The basic framework is a traditional meal – a protein, a carb, and a vegetable or fruit, which is what you received. The main difference is that because it is vegan and veg dogs are not considered the best in terms of health level, some of the protein was alotted to a super-healthy choice, edamame.
    I’m not sure I understood why you wouldn’t want to each the veg dogs (protein) with a vegetable. Could you describe what sort of pattern you are seeking in a lunch?

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