Menu planner choice of foods UK

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    Have looked quickly through the ‘menu planner’ and have found very many problems with it, not only that lots of the items are either not available in UK or have to be specially sourced which makes it all very expensive. Also, there are many basic items that do not appear on the list like the absence of spreads that are recogniseable to UK people – only one butter (raw) is mentioned and that will have to be bought specially at about twice the cost. No spreads like Marmite, Vegemite, even the many ‘margerine’ type spreads are not mentioned at all. How about beverages ? Black unsweetened tea should not be fattening I would have thought or herbal teas. For morning, the only beverage one can ever have is vegetable juice. Similarly, the only eggs one can have under ‘morning’ is an omega3 egg I have not a clue what that is or where they may be obtained and I dread to think what the cost would be. I thought this would be a diet for ordinary people using ‘fairly’ ordinary but healthy variety foods but most of the stuff seems to be very special which means expensive. The selection/choice is very specialised, unobtainable, expensive, difficult to source and , to be honest, I was most surprised to see such a fantastic choice of foods that I’d never heard of – they would be difficult to obtain especially when they speak of ‘doing the shop’ as though it were all easily available at the local shop or supermarket – far from it. Just suppose I can find some of these special foods, not only will they be more expensive but I will have to get them to me – this will probably involve buying on line which will almost certainly incur delivery charges. Being on line to order, waiting in for delivery (often just the am or pm quoted), driving god knows where for items, it is virtually unmanageable. Is it not possible to have the choice of everyday items, healthy options of course, maybe one or two ‘special’ items which would be a lot easier to buy and manage.


    Hi bcnde, heres a link that might help
    also have a wee read of the beverages section under the download ‘quick start’ it gives information on teas & coffees ect. In your menu planner pick the items you know are available to you until you find other items each time you shop. You sound like I did when I started but I picked basic items on the menu planner and have added other items once I source them and can afford ect. good luck


    Hi Jackiee, Can we as end users add items to the list of foods and, if so, who grades them in the shades of blue ? With the raw butter thing, I can’t think that all other butters and totally no good at all, not only are there many brand names but ‘salted’ and ‘unsalted’. Also many other things like the porridge they seem to have an unending list of types – what about Scotts or Quaker type – once again can they be so terrible as to be unusable ? I sent virtually the same questions to them as I put in my last post and they gave me that UK link not too helpful really but they did say that they would raise the UK problems and my questions at their next meeting. Lets hope then.


    Hi, I am in UK and I face the same problem as bcnde…

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