Menu planning problem

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    I started working with the menu planner but found that I couldn’t get the “boxes” to fill up with “blue”. I put in the foods that I know I usually eat, and have found to be working for me, but if I can’t fill up the box, then the menu planner can’t do its job.
    Also — on the nights that we have stir fry, I can’t fill it up for sure because all it will allow me to put in is the rice and the tofu. Since all the vegetables we put in stir-fry are in the “all you can eat” category, they are not available on the menu planner food list so my box can’t ever become totally blue for that meal. Help.


    Hi, Rozismyname. Try selecting more than one type of rice – in the end, you can use whichever you want, but at list this will allow you to continue.

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