menue planner

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    I went through picking foods about 4 day ago and so far now no menu plan has popped up. I got a check mark in all 4 categories. Should I stop all food intake.


    Hi, slimmenow22. If after you click on “Finish” at the bottom of the “Snacks” page your menu plan does not pop up, I suggest you contact tech support through the “Contact Us” link below.


    Several days ago, I tried to process the “Menu Planner” . . . but nothing ever came of all the checking I did. Hmmmm . . .


    Hi, Sonja. I will forward your query to tech support.


    Hi I am brand new and I am having problems with the personal menu planner. when I go to that app I am supposed to pick the foods I like but all it does is bring me to my personal info (height weight etc.) what am I doing wrong? Thank you! Dorothy


    Hi, Dot67, and welcome! I have forwarded your query to tech support. In the future, you can reach them directly through the “Contact Us” link below.


    Hi, Dot67. You may notice from the home page that we recently underwent an upgrade in the system. Please try the Menu Planner again – hopefully the issue is resolved.


    How do you get a new weeks menu after your first week?


    Hi, Franano. Just go back to the Menu Planner – if you want to use the same foods, just go to the Snacks tab, scroll down to the end and click on “Finish”. You also, of course, have the option of going through all the meals and changing your selections.

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