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  • #47918

    Is it ok for me to make my own menus as long as I stay within my limits on what I can have? I don’t know how many carbs, fats, etc. that I suppose to have. Where do I find this information?


    Hi, kooky123. Sure, though we do encourage you to make healthy food choices. You can calculate your macronutrient allotments for each meal and day by using the information in the “Exchange View” (button above your menu). Each exchange translates to the following approximate nutrient values:
    1 carbohydrate exchange = 15 grams of carbohydrates + up to 3 grams of protein (80 calories)
    1 protein exchange = 7 grams of protein + up to 5 grams of fat (75 calories)
    1 fat exchange = 5 grams of fat (45 calories)
    1 fruit exchange = 15 grams of carbohydrates (60 calories)
    1 vegetable exchange = 5 grams of carbohydrates + up to 2 grams of protein (25-40 calories)
    1 sweet exchange = up to 15 grams of carbohydrates + up to 5 grams of fat (125 calories)
    1 free exchange = up to 5 grams of carbohydrates or up to 2 grams of protein or fat (25 calories)


    Thank you but I have already canceled.


    How do I cancel I emailed and no response yet


    plz how do I cancel

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