need to be motivated

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    Sraggio, that’s so true! Though “50” is so young. Just think that Ernestine Shepherd started at 55, Harrison Ford is still doing his own stunts, and Betty White… 🙂 🙂


    I asked in the other topic before but got no response. I was wondering can I add once a day a tablespoon of fat free coffee mate to my coffee? It is the none dairy creamer.


    Meme 50. Read the ingredients on your powder cream for the coffee. I am not the nutritionist but I bet you would do better with a small amount of real cream rather than the chemicals. In the end if you must have it and you can follow the rest of the plan then a little cheat sounds better than none at all. If it makes you happy.


    I am ending my first day. Not at all hungry or fatigued. Hope I am doing this correctly.


    Hi, Bigid, and welcome! You are right on the money. We wish you continued health, and are happy to help in whatever way we can.


    I work out at home. 72 yrs old. I set up a schedule and have been able to maintain for a couple of months. I suggest kettlebells. At my age, regaining strength must come first. Question: any ideas to make the very act of going in to workout be FUN?


    Hi, Jim. Sounds like a great plan. If you like TV and/or movies, I would definitely suggest doing your workouts in front of the screen. Other options include listening to music or recorded books. On a whole other plane, perhaps find a workout buddy.

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