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    Just joined yesterday and was a bit overwhelmed by the menu planner. I always have a very simple breakfast for cold cereal with almond milk, unsweetened, and fresh fruit. I eat kashi because it has high fiber and protein but it didn’t seem like one of your preferred cereals. What do I look for on labels when I shop. Is it a balance of protein and carbs?
    Is Greek yogurt ok if it has fruit in it? What about fresh mozzarella?



    Sprouted whole grain, it took me a while yesterday to figure that out, not sure about your crisp question


    Hi I’ve just joined today and live in the UK. Can you offer some advice on the American terminology as looking at the variety of muffins and some of the ingredients required it’s rather confusing. Can you clarify SWG – is this wholemeal or whole grain, or something else? Also what is Rutabaga, I’ve never heard of it. Also I don’t think we have Stevia here, is there an alternative? Thanks, overwhelmed and a little scared 🙂


    Hi, i have just joined and i am wondering if i can still have my serving of skim milk for my coffee and tea? Also is a glass of wine allowed at night with dinner?

    Thank you x


    Hi Truebrant

    I just joined a few days ago and looked Into the sprouted whole grain online. I is a process of making the flour that I think adds nutrients. I am going to look in my food store next time I shop. I’ll let you know if I find anything, although I’m in the US so not sure we will have the same brands. Ruts so is a turnip, if that helps. I think you can substitute another root veggie if you don’t have those near you.



    I am new, got a look at my menu’s. The first one served 6! Cooking is new to me, how do I cut it down to 1 serving?


    I have now been on the TDC diet for nearly two weeks. The first week, I lost approximately 5-1/2 pounds (probably water weight), but now it seems as though I have already plateaued and have not lost any more weight. I, too, noticed there are so many carbs in this diet; I also noticed that there does not seem to be any rhyme or reason to the food combinations as was mentioned in the video, but rather, it appears that the menus are based on the basic (and now outdated) food pyramid, which requires a certain number of daily servings of proteins, fats, grains, fruits and vegetables. I only know that eating 6 meals a day of foods I never would have even thought of eating, i.e., breads and fruits (due to the amount of sugar), I just can’t imagine this is good for me. I haven’t noticed any change in my energy levels or my pants size. And I certainly cannot understand that the only time you get a “chocolate” or “sweet” snack (whether it be dark chocolate, a cookie, ice cream, etc.) is the last meal before bedtime — which makes absolutely no sense. I am becoming very disenchanted with the TDC diet, and what it claims it can do for me. I cannot exercise due to chronic Achilles tendinitis in both my ankles. I am always in extreme pain when I walk. But the TDC diet claims you don’t need to exercise, which is why I joined. If I have to exercise to lose weight, then why bother suffering through the TDC diet. If you exercise, you can basically eat three meals a day like normal people and eat the foods you like (as long as you don’t overdo the portions). I will give this one more week, but if I don’t see any further weight loss, I guess I go back to my basic three-four meals a day of low carb/low fat eating and just face the fact that I’m fat and I will always be fat.


    I joined TDC last week, but started the menu on Sunday. I am single, live alone and am retired & I don’t cook a lot. So, this way of eating is a challenge for me. It seems all I do is eat or am cooking something to eat! I haven’t eaten or cooked this much since I had four kids and a husband to cook for! I haven’t seen any results either! I know it’s only been 4 1/2 days and I will give it the full two weeks, but I hope to see some change soon!


    Hi, Laurie. Yes, it is about a balance between carbohydrates and protein, as well as getting good quality sources of all of the food groups and nutrients. Given your questions and concerns, I suggest you use the full Menu Planner application (in “Apps” above), so that you can select the foods that go into your meals – in contrast to the Ready-to-Go menu, which uses items that are popular with other Clubmembers who may not share your tastes or lifestyle.


    Hi! I joined today and am a bit overwhelmed with the grocery list… it printed out three pages of things I need to get…I created a menu for my first week…am I reading this correctly? Do I need to buy all of these foods for my first week? I am afraid that this will be quite pricey and may take a really long time at the grocery store….thanks for your help!


    Welcome Stephanie,

    don’t let the amount of food discourage you. I felt the same way but as time went on and I discovered new things I realized I don’t have to buy all that stuff all at once. Look at your daily menu for say, tomorrow, see what foods you will need for the day and then check your cupboards. If you have items already, check them off. Now all you have to buy for tomorrow, is those items you don’t have checked. You will find that by the end of the week, doing it this way, you will have filled almost the whole list. The next grocery list you print off, you will see that you already have most of the items already bought. One step at time eh?


    Hi, holmesmandel. I highly recommend that you use the full Menu Planner application (in “Apps” above) to build your menus (instead of the Ready-to-Go system) so that you can choose the foods that work for you, and not bother with those that don’t.
    The menu patterns are actually based on the American Diabetes Association system, and our own simulations to ensure DRIs are met. As far as plateaus go, the most reliable method to get past these is physical activity. If you are already active, it can help to make changes to your routine in order to wake up new muscles.Additionally, if you are doing cardio, adding strength training can help, as can inserting bursts of high intensity to break up a routine. If you would like more guidance here, please do repost.


    I really don’t care for the menu much…what is the point? What is the premise/guidelines for me to eat by? There must be a formula to follow.


    OssieSharon — You really did not respond to (or read) my post. It appears you only respond to certain items and your responses all basically say the same thing. First of all, as I posted in my original post, between work and travel time to and from work, I am gone 12-13 hours a day, so I do not have time to use the menu planner. And as for the Ready-to-Go System, I make the necessary option changes when a food “does not work” for me. And if you read my complete post, I am physically disabled from chronic acute Achilles tendinitis and cannot even use a treadmill, let alone do high intensity activity, as you suggested. In addition, I asked why in the world is the last meal of the day before bedtime the one that you are allowed sweets, chocolates, ice cream, etc. and you did not respond. However, I received an email yesterday from “Amber Mink” at the Trim Down Club the following email:

    “If you’ve been told that you shouldn’t eat after 7PM, you’ve been LIED to. In fact, if you want to lose the MOST weight, you MUST eat before bed… but the trick is knowing which foods fuel your fat burning metabolism as you sleep, as those that you must AVOID to stave off unwanted belly fat.

    Fortunately, my good friends and top nutritionists Joel & Tim just wrote a brand new free report that you can download for free today showing you the 4 BEST foods to eat before bed and ALL the foods you must avoid at night if you ever want a flat belly.”

    When I clicked on the link provided by “Amber,” it took me to another website (BioNutrition) whereby they sent me a link to the “4 Best Foods to Eat Before Bedtime” if you want to lose belly fat. And low and behold, the worst thing you can eat before bedtime is fruits and simple carbs (like cookies, chocolate, ice cream). So I guess you all have just totally contradicted yourselves, and at the same time agreed with me that it is inconceivable that the only “sweets” you get to eat are in the last meal before bedtime. By the way, later yesterday, I received another email from TDC, which again referred me to a link to “Joel and Josh” of the BioNutrition website. I am all too familiar with “Joel and Josh” and their whole purpose is to get you to buy their products. Also, just another sham.

    Also, I gained two pounds this week. I am curious to see what other ridiculousness comes to me from TDC in my emails.


    In my opinion, I don’t believe you have to eat anything you don’t want to. Just keep the balance going. Those items from Amy are just advertisements and help pay the bills so to speak. I usually just delete them as sometimes they are not in my best interest. Yes, some people live on suppliments and that is expensive but I think by just sticking with TDC plan you can’t go wrong.

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