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    what to do if your on warfrin my veg is limmted will this plan still work


    biegies are limted what i can have


    Hi, pixie33. Yes, the program can definitely work for you. In the Menu Planner menu-building application, you can build menus based on foods you can eat and avoid those you can’t. Foods high in vitamin K that are recommended to limit while taking warfarin are listed in the following link:
    If you really like high-K foods, just keep your daily intake stable, and make sure your warfarin dose is set to match that intake.


    Costco sells a powdered nutritional multivitamin called EcoDrink.
    Its listed as a dietary supplement, and as I am already taking a
    55+ one a day vitamin, I wonder if I should or should not drink this as well once daily.


    Hi, Afola. You likely don’t need the Eco Drink, and it may not be the best thing for you right now. It contains an artificial sweetener that make work against your efforts here.


    what is the best thing to have for breakfast


    Dehydrated vegetable chips appears on my menu from time to time, the only ones that I have been able to find, have a horrid odor to me and are repulsive to eat. The very short list of substitute’s (three items) does not look very appealing to me either. Can you suggest other items for that item or is it ok to just leave it out.


    that sounds nasty cant eat a lot of vegies my self on blood thinners


    Hi, Alfola and pixie. You are encouraged to make your own. We have a general recipe ( that can be used for many different vegetables, including those that are low in vitamin K (such as carrots).


    how do recipes work in exchange for planned menu items? i not sure how to use an exchange?




    Hi, LarryMorgan. Many recipes are already in the Menu Planner lists, so you can select them and they will be fit into your meal pattern. If you are interested in recipes that are not in the Menu Planner, just select something similar in the Menu Planner lists as a placesaver, and then make the swap at meal time.
    Exchanges are just like currency, and each one represents a certain nutritional value related to the food group. For example, each carb exchange is equal to 15 grams of carbohydrates (plus up to 3 grams of protein), each protein exchange is equal to 7 grams of protein (plus up to 5 grams of fat), and each fat exchange is equal to 5 grams of fat. This is the system used by the American Diabetes Association and adopted by the American Dietetics Association (now the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics). Our lists are here – Many foods are one or the other, but a fair number are combinations (i.e., sandwiches and casseroles).


    Hi. I just joined two days ago. There doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day for all of this food. I even tried getting up earlier today, and still have had to skip latest afternoon snack. The snacks are as much food as the meals, at least the first and second ones are. I have to at least go 2 1/2 to 3 hours so I’m not force-feeding myself. Can’t my snacks be cut back to one or two food items, rather than three or four food items? Also, what time at night should I be finishing eating. If I eat all of this, it will end up being anywhere from 9:00 to 11:00 p.m. Please help.


    Hi, nhhicks61. Just ease into it and do your best. You don’t have to be perfect, just a little better than you did before, and it will all add up without making you crazy 🙂


    I’ve seen so many Great Recipes I want to try. How do I get them into my weekly menu??? Think I need to spend yet even more time here. Forgive me but I been here most of the day……..

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