Newbie with questions

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    Can anyone who has done this program for a while answer a question for me? Can there be substitutions with the menu planner? Do you have to stick strictly to what they recommend?


    Yes, there can be substitutions with the menu planner. It is good if you can match the food group and portion size, and best if you can also be sure the substitution is something healthy and not processed. The Trim Down Club is not intended to be overly strict, but it is based on certain health-oriented principles that have been shown to lead to success.


    Raw cottage cheese and goat cheese – oh ick. Not my favorites.


    There are lots of choices in the same food groups, and you don’t have to eat anything you really don’t like. If the lists are missing things you really DO like, please let us know.


    What do you consider raw cottage cheese, raw cheese, milk?


    Raw dairy that is not vegan/vegetarian is from milk that has not been pasteurized or homogenized. See

    betty romel

    What fruits can we eat and is there any fruit that we can eat a lot of?


    You can eat any fruits – the issue is more portion size (if you’re a diabetic, it’s also an issue of how many other carbs you’re eating at the same time). Fresh berries, melon, and papaya are generally lower in sugar than other fruits, and so it is OK to eat more at one sitting, i.e. 1 full cup instead of 1/2 cup.
    Dried fruits are the most concentrated in sugar, and so recommended serving sizes are the lowest, i.e. a couple of tablespoons or 1/4 cup.

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