No-impact aerobics.

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    Hi. I was wondering if you had any suggestions about exercising for me. I’m in remission from Lupus which was overtreated with chemotherapy and prednisone for two years (thus the reason for my weight gain and weak bones). I now suffer from severe osteoporosis, having had numerous bone fractures. Actually, I think the fractures have now stopped, or at least slowed down due to medication. I need some gentle excercising, keeping in mind my mobility is very mildly impaired.


    Hi, nhhicks61, and welcome. Just to be sure, did you discuss exercise with your primary care provider and he/she made the above recommendation? If not, I suggest you do, just to be sure – the advantage is that a referral to a physical therapist (or similar) might be made. Also, are you taking any supplements (such as calcium, vitamin D, etc.)?
    If you have been medically cleared for activity (with the above in mind, of course) and free to make your own choices, the following may be options:
    1. Swimming and water exercises are a popular choice, as you have essentially no impact. However, do be sure not to do anything that requires significant twisting if your spine is prone to fractures.
    2. Walking is also a highly-recommended exercise, especially because it is the impact is important for maintaining your bone – even considered rehabilitative – but does not present the same risks as running or other aerobic exercises. You do not need to go outdoors for this – you can stay at home and walk in place in front of the television, and this way you can stop whenever you need. Be sure to wear well-cushioned footwear and have support nearby if you are at risk for falling.
    3. With a reliable back-up support system, try strengthening your balance by standing on one leg for and increasing number of seconds. When you are ready for the next level of challenge, bend the standing leg. Be sure to breath deeply.
    4. Repetitions with light hand weights (even just food cans) may be a good way to strengthen the muscles that support your upper spine.
    5. Try half sit ups to strengthen the muscles that support your stomach so that you spare strain on your middle and lower spine.
    In addition to dealing with the condition, these exercises can prime your metabolism for weight loss and potentially stave off the blood sugar effects of steroids and the lupus itself.
    The goal length of time for a workout session may be 30 minutes, but work up to it and decide as you go if you are up to that much time. You can always divide this up throughout the day.


    Hi, I’d like to make a suggestion, it’s nothing to do with exercise but everything to do with improving your health.
    Research this if you want but i’d recommend adding green juices into your diet, they are great at cleansing your system and should provide added energy direct to your cells which will help after chemo.

    I personally love the following: you will need a juicer, i’d recommend a centrifugal one, buy a second hand one off ebay.

    2 green apples
    half a cucumber
    4 sticks of celery
    2 large handfuls of spinach
    half a lime, you can remove or leave skin on.
    1 inch piece of root ginger

    Put the spinach, lime and ginger in, sandwiched between the other ingredients to get the most juice from them.

    I’d be very surprised if you don’t feel better with only 1 juice a day but two would speed up your recovery.after only a week you should be feeling the benefits from it.

    Good luck,


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