Nuts – how many is too many?

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    I eat the raw, unsalted, organic nuts that have been refrigerated, and stick closely to the Trim Down Club amount of 1/2 oz.(approx. 2 tablespoons). When my husband takes a snack, he grabs an orange and pours a bowlful of nuts (a cup or more). Is this amount of nuts at one sitting detrimental in any way? He is in his late sixties.


    I have interest in the same question. My husband is great at eating lots of healthy fruit, especially papaya with lemon, oranges, etc. But he can eat a large bag/bowel of natural, unsalted, organic peanuts (that he has to shell himself) in one sitting (about 2 to 4 cups.) He is also in his late sixties. Is it a protein craving, I wonder?


    Hi, you two. Nuts are an excellent choice, and 1/2-2 ounces for a snack or part of a meal is a reasonable portion. If that is the only item in a meal, then 1 cup is fine (depending on the person’s size, of course). It is probably more of a flavor and fat craving than protein.

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