Optimal weight

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    How can my optimal weight be 89.1? I am 5’2″ and small boned. I haven’t weighed 89 lbs since I graduated high school! My doctor told me at that time I needed to gain some weight. I don’t understand.


    I am 5’3″…told me I should be 115….I think I weighed that in third grade! Was 135 all through high school – was in sports of all kinds and in VERY good shape. Don’t get bogged down on a number. You’ll know when you’re at the right weight. I’m 57 and would look like an old hag at 115! Going for healthy…not scrawny!


    Hi, jbenfield2. That’s exactly why we have it so you can enter whatever goal weight you want. The system’s suggestion is just an automatic calculation based on an international standard, but the reality is all about what makes you healthiest and happiest. Go with the 135 🙂

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