Portion sizes

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    Almond Chicken Apricot Delight

    I cannot find how much chicken I am allowed for this meal. Surely all chicken breasts are not made the same – recipe calls for 4 breasts and one serving = 1/2 to 1 breast. What specific weight should I be aiming for – Please help, I find this sort of confusion makes a nonsense of the whole thing. The same goes for the potato bake – serves 9-16???


    I also am new and don’t know where to find portion sizes for all categories. Please help.


    Yes, I agree with Flamelily and daisylover. This is not a weight loss diet unless portion sizes are included. As well, it is difficult to make the recipe when the measurements for the ingredients are not included–especially the protein ingredients i.e. you need to know that the recipe needs “1.5 lbs.” of chicken.


    I spent some time this morning trying to find the answer but in the end just went with a previous chicken meal and used 75g/3oz. I was hoping that using this club would give the all the info I needed in the recipe and so cut down on ‘reasons not to follow the plan’! All very frustrating.

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