Preparing meals

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    I just joined over the weekend, however have not really started the diet as I am finding it difficult to find time for shopping and preparing all the meals. I work full time in Houston so I have very long days. Has anyone else been struggling with this? Open for any suggestions. Thanks much!


    Yes, I just joined a couple of days ago. I live in a small town in Saskatchewan Canada. I cannot get any of the ingredients or food here and the nearest city is 2 hours away. So buying organic foods that I need to replenish weekly will be impossible. I am not really sure about this program even though it has some good advice. I wish I could give you some suggestions but I think many people are feeling the same way you are. Good luck to you


    As long as you stick with unprocessed, whole foods, you are getting one of the major principles of the program. You don’t have to prepare complicated recipes – you can try those with “classic” or “homemade” in the title (faster) or not choose recipes when you are going through the Menu Planner application, but just stick to easy-to-prepare, readymade foods such as dairy products, breads, fruits and vegetables, nuts, etc. You can also order items online, or try some of the major health-oriented chains such as Whole Foods Market and Trader Joe’s.


    Great advice. That makes it much easier. Thanks!

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