Protein Powder (research before buying)

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    I have been going mind-nutty trying to research-out what the best protein powder is and who supplies it. I’m going to make this succinct and painless. The best protein powder is (for my wallet) too danged expensive! Three bucks a serving! No whey! (Pun intended) Not that whey isn’t any good — apparently whey is the best in protein powders.

    After researching, I learned (from what I’ve read and videos I’ve watched) that the protein powder I have been buying for a couple of years is just shockingly dreadful for healthful reasons. First: Made of soy. Bad! Bad! Bad! Second: It’s an ‘isolate’. Bad! Bad! Really Bad! Thirdly: Filler junk with natural AND ‘artificial’ flavorings. Bad! Well, you get the idea. I began ‘closely’ inspecting the ingredients and reading PAST the BIG writing — “SOY PROTEIN/GET LEAN & TONED.” On the container of powder I was using, I found in teeny/tiny/itsy-bitsy/microscopic (magnifying-glass please) lettering that had a light-colored background with white lettering (difficult to read in the first-place) the words: “Notice: Use this product as a food supplement only. Do not use for weight reduction.” OMG! Weight reduction was the ‘reason’ I started using the powder. For crying-in-a-bucket! Hum-m-m-m. Wonder why the ‘microscopic’ warning!? We all know “why” — don’t we! [?] 🙁

    I really love adding a ‘protein powder’ to my smoothies and morning ‘hit’. So! I decided to make my own. Taking (organic) flax seed/sunflower seed/steel-cut oats/chia seed/spirulina/pepita seeds and almond flour and putting all the good-stuff in my Bullet and with the milling blade gave it several whirls and — voilà! I made my own protein powder. 😛

    Now, being very receptive to (effective) evaluation, if anyone, as clients or the TDC support team, have cons regarding my concoction I would be most interested in knowing what they are. For if I’ve put together an infusion of a toxic toxin — I’d surely be attentive.

    Although we ALL die ignorant of ‘something’ — I plan not to die with lack of nutritional knowledge. I probably need about 30 more years — so I’ll die just a wee-bit ignorant of nutritional knowledge.

    PS: Ever hear of: — It’s a GREAT website! [No-o-o, I’m not ‘nuts’ — my Mother had me tested!]

    Have a great — healthy sun-shiny day! 😛

    Janie 😉


    Great advice! Thanks!!

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