reabilitation after injury

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    had a ligament repaired after sprained ankle , also had heal broken to realine it. that was 12 week ogo back to gym now but being carefull put at least 23lb on which excersise is bestfor calorie burning bear in mind still got swollen foot


    Hi, Mary. There are many exercises you can do to work on your upper and middle body that can burn energy and tone your muscles – to start, arm lifts with heavy objects (such as water bottles and food cans) and sit-ups. You can also get exercise guides and videos that will give you excellent options – ask Customer Service (through the “Contact Us” link below) about these.


    Hello, I was injured 5yrs ago. Just had double fusion surgery. I’m very weak on my left side. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and hits so hard to really do any exercise. I also have 2nd stage osteoporosis. What kind of exercise can I start out with?


    Hi, yattayatta. When you had your surgery, did you receive any guidance from a physician regarding restrictions or from a physical therapist regarding rehabilitating exercises?
    When you get an attack of fibromyalgia, it may be best to rest and not aggravate it with typical exercise. Water fitness is generally considered to be the very best for your condition, and may also help with gentle resistance to strengthen your weak side.
    On good days, walking is very important to address your osteoporosis. Hopefully you have also been recommended by your healthcare provider to ensure adequate intake of calcium and vitamin D.
    The weaker you are, the more fat you will burn when you are active – then once you start building muscle, you will start burning fat also at rest.


    Thank you!

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