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    I just joined the club and am interested in recipes but not gluten free. The online line source seems to be lacking. Any good snack recipes? I’m eating fruits, veggies, nuts, rice cakes but would like to add cookies or muffins.


    Hi, Lanning, and welcome! I’m not sure I understand what you mean by “online line source…lacking”. Can you describe the problem a little more? I can then forward your query to tech support.
    When you enter the Recipes area, you can click on the Snacks icon, and a number of recipes will pop up, not all gluten-free. Of the gluten-free cookies and muffins recipes, you can substitute gluten-free flours with regular whole grain flour – just note that when replacing almond flour/meal, it is recommended to add 1/4 cup of oil for each cup of flour.


    Hi Ossie, I think what Lanning may be referring to is the online shopping link which pops up in the main programme several times. I too have tried to access this several times with no success.
    Kindest regards tessab44


    Hi, Tessa, and thanks. I have been looking into your query, but am not seeing what (I think) you’re describing here. Could you send the same question to customer service, but with a screenshot of what “pops up” and what you mean by not being able to access it? I/we will continue to work with you through e-mail, then post the results here so that Lanning can see the solution, too.

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