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    Under the recipe tab I see Texas Goulash, but under my menu food choices/recipes, it is not there. I want to add it to my favorite foods. Help!


    Hi, DTWheeler. You can fit recipes into your menu through our exchange system. Compare exchanges per serving listed at the end of the recipe to those allotted to you for meals – you can see the latter by clicking on the “Exchange mode” icon in the toolbar above your menu. The match doesn’t have to be perfect.


    Is there a way to have the recipe listed so I can just click on it and the name is added to my menu for the day?

    Same thing about adding a certain vegetable.

    I like to see the exact item listed if possible


    Hi, DTWHEELER. If you use the personal version of the Menu Planner application (access it by clicking on the “My Food Choices icon in the toolbar above your current menu), you will see some of our recipes in the “Recipes” subcategory of each major food group. For newer recipes that have not yet been added into the system, you can use them to substitute for the main ingredient in your meal. You can also match up the exchanges visible at the end of each recipe and when you click on “Exchange mode” in the toolbar above your menu. It doesn’t need to be a perfect match to work.
    Regarding vegetables, you can see the portion sizes of various vegetables if you click on the “Vegetables” button once you are in the personal Menu Planner food list area. I will pass your suggestion onto our tech development team.

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