scheduling snacks

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    I eat breakfast at about 6:15 am. I have students beginning at 8:15, so I could eat my first snack at 8:00. I have my only planning period from 10:18-10:48. I have 15 min.(on a good day) to eat lunch at about 11:45 as I walk around the cafeteria supervising students. The buses pull out 3:40, so I can eat a second snack then. Dinner is usually at 6:30 since I seldom get home before 6:00. I can’t eat after that because I try to go to bed by 9:30 and I have acid reflux if my stomach isn’t somewhat empty. How do I get in the third snack and is it OK to have such a variance between meals and snacks?


    Then don’t worry about the last snack, just try to squeeze in the allotted foods, preferably as early as possible during the day.

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