Shopping List

Home Forums Nutrition & Diet Shopping List

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    I’m new to this plan, but is there a way to create a shopping list from the weekly menu, based on serving size? It would make it SO much easier than having to read each recipe and take notes and then having to compute up all the quantities.


    Hi, I’m a new member as well and have the very same question. Would love to know if this is possible.


    I agree. I haven’t started because creating a shopping list seems so overwhelming.


    i would like to know where to shop for swg and a few of the other products that I have not seen in a regular grocery store. Magg


    The development team is currently working on a shopping list function for the Menu Planner. In the mean time, the following method has been most useful for members: make a spreadsheet (i.e. in Excel) of the foods on the menu in one column and amounts in another; when you have finished for the week, alphabetize the list, and note the duplicates when you are tallying up the amounts for which to shop. The first time you shop, it will seem like a lot as you switch out the contents of your kitchen cabinets, but this is generally a one-time thing – from then on, you will just be replacing staples as you did before the program.


    Hi, magg. The specialty-type items suggested in this program are available at health-oriented stores, including large chains such as Whole Foods Market and Trader Joe’s, as well as online.

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