soya milk

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    is soya milk ok to use on this plan if notwhat is the altenative please?


    Soy milk can be a problem area (it is on the list of foods to avoid) for a couple of reasons: 1, most regular soy is genetically modified in a way that may be harmful, 2, raw soy products contain “anti-nutrients”.
    If you use organic soy milk, one of the major problems has been eliminated. Heating the milk takes care of the other problem.
    Is there a reason you use soy milk? This will dictate what the alternative may be. Is there a reason you don’t use dairy milk? If so, alternatives to soy milk include rice, almond, oat, spelt, hazelnut, and spelt milks, but it is best to get the products fortified with calcium and vitamins, and do be aware that these contain almost no protein.

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