staying motivated

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    Hi! I am new to TDC………the meals are yummy but staying with the activity is really tough! How do I stay motivated? I’ve tried putting a photo of a slimmer me on my fridge…………I love how I look and remember how I felt………………but this hasn’t been enough to keep me going? Any suggestions?


    H, Pebbbles. It might help to do your workouts in front of the TV. You can also break up your workouts into 10 minute intervals, if that helps. If you have a workout buddy, that can help, too.


    I’m not a walking exercise-fan; don’t like gyms, but realize I absolutely have to move and challenge my body if I’m to make any noticable difference to my weight. As it is winter here, I have even more incentive not to walk.
    In the last couple of weeks I’ve come up with an alternative exercise model.
    While preparing the family meals I use the times I’m waiting for something to heat, cook, toast, boil etc, to do push-ups and squats against the bench edge. I’m getting more creative each day as to the movements I can do. I balance myself by holding the edge of the bench while I run on the spot or swing my legs backwards and forwards. I’m 30Lbs above my ideal weight so find running or jumping on the spot too hard on my feet bones without a bit of support.
    Because it is working so well (my thigh muscles have definitely strengthen even in two weeks)I’m staying motivated and positive.


    The key to losing weight besides healthy eating is exercising. Just a 20 minute walk five times a week can help. You don’t have to run. Walk briskly. Another thing is when going to mall or a shopping center, I park far as possible to get the exercise. I take stairs instead of escalators and elevators. If you have a two story house, run up and down the stairs a few times.

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